Data about the ____

The Bad Arolsen Archive is the world’s only reliable central database for all Holocaust death and Holocaust survivor records. In 1979, a summary was published by the International Red Cross working at the Arolsen archive of their total mortality figures for the German wartime labour camps where the total dead from 13 of the biggest camps added up to 271,000.

In 1984 the Arolsen archive stated their records showed the total deaths in 16 German-controlled labor-camps (15 major ones plus “others” p.82) amounted to 282,000.

In 1993 that number was updated to 296,000, of whom 60,000 in Auschwitz.

The almanac of the “American Jewish Committee”, which appears new every year, announced the following numbers of Jews in the world:

in the 1945 edition on page 367: 15,192,089;

for 1946, this number increased by 516,549 to 15,753,638;

1947 (on page 748), 1948 (page 572) and 1949 (page 289): ~ 15.5 million

1950: 11,500,000. Why? Who eliminated about 4,000,000 Jews between 1949 and 1950?

As for the homicidal gas chambers:

The 3-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948 states:

«The delegates of the ICRC found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report never hints at any human gas chambers.»

Mr. U. Jost, the then-manager of the Bad Arolsen Archive, declared in 2006 that amongst its millions of documents it had no record suggesting death by cyanide – evidently it was safe for them to make such a statement.

Nowhere in a huge, permanent “Holocaust exhibition” spanning 2 floors in the London War Museum in Lambeth does it say or imply that cyanide gas chambers had people in them.

A can of the Zyklon insecticide is on display – and visitors are informed it was used in the delousing chamber (its only mention of the delousing chambers).

Jewish Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, according to his “If This Is a Man” (1957), neither saw nor heard of any evidence for human gas chambers during his spell at Auschwitz-Monowitz.