A strategy to deal with normies

An appeal for tolerance- tolerance for OUR creed- seems the best course to me.

I think this is really misguided. This is what evangelical Christians have been saying for years, and they’ve been steamrolled.

We are dealing with an inferno of moralistic fervor. Fence-sitters or generally apolitical people are being forced to choose sides– “silence=violence”. The armies of wokesters are rapidly converting people through aggressive moral shaming. When the entire Fortune 500, every major newspaper, and half of John Q Normie’s social circle erupts in frenzied virtue signaling, he’s usually going along for the ride. It’s just easier. We have to give him an alternative, or at least impose some kind of cost for mouthing woke platitudes.

What is needed is aggressively pointing out the huge lies that the woke narrative is based on. We are still at a point where for the most part, this is simply not done– its impolite to point out that blacks murder whites at vastly higher rates than vice versa, or that the average black IQ is 85.

We need to beat this drum hard and couple it to our own rhetoric of moral shaming: “Why don’t you care about these savage mob beatings of whites by blacks? Do you support this? Why do you not bother to learn any of the actual facts about the problems you claim to be so concerned about? Etc”. The number of people who convince themselves of their own moral superiority because they repeat woke jargon is astounding. This happens because they’re often not even exposed to a counternarrative. While the woke call us evil, we call them merely wrong. This isn’t sustainable– you can’t resist aggression with pacifism (“tolerance”).