The double-negative morality of Leftism

The actuality of Leftist morality – and that it is inversion of the true, beautiful and virtuous – is revealed by describing the double-negative reality concealed by the pseudo-positive moral ‘principles’ used to justify Leftist evil.

Here is the way it works:

To be a ‘racist’ is = not to be anti-white

To be a sexist = not to be anti-men…

You see the way it works? Leftism is oppositional, being defined as ‘against’ various ‘evils’. Most of the Leftist ‘evils’ (often expressed as ‘-ist’ or ‘-phobic’) can accurately be described in a similar double-negative fashion:

Not to be anti-native inhabitants of a country…

Not to be opposed to biologically real, reproductively-adaptive sexuality…

Not to be anti-Christian… etc.

The double-negative formulation is a necessity for Leftism, since Leftism is indeed ultimately oppositional (opposing God and divine creation; opposing the true, beautiful and virtuous); thus its ‘positive’ content (i.e. what Leftists want) is protean and labile, self-contradicting and incoherent.

After all, there are an ‘infinite’ number of ways of opposing The Good.

To be morally excoriated by the Left, all that is required is to be against opposing the Good, in any particular respect.