El truco más ingenioso del sistema (abreviado)

Por Ted Kaczynski (muy abreviado)

 “La sociedad tecnológica podrá permitirse el lujo supremo de tolerar la rebelión  inútil con una sonrisa indulgente”. Jacques Ellul.                                                                      

El sistema se la está jugando a los presuntos revolucionarios y rebeldes. […]

La forma en que el Sistema explota el impulso de rebelión.

Todos en la sociedad moderna estamos atrapados en una tupida red de normas y regulaciones. Estamos a merced de grandes organizaciones tales como grandes empresas, gobiernos, sindicatos, universidades, iglesias y partidos políticos y, en consecuencia, carecemos de poder. Como resultado de la servidumbre, de la impotencia y de otras vejaciones que el Sistema nos inflige, existe un sentimiento de frustración generalizado, que conduce a un impulso de rebelión. Y aquí es dónde el Sistema realiza su mejor truco: mediante un brillante juego de manos, convierte la rebeldía en algo que le resulta beneficioso.

Muchas personas no comprenden las raíces de su propia frustración y, en consecuencia, su rebeldía está mal encaminada. Saben que quieren rebelarse, pero no saben en contra de qué. Casualmente, el Sistema es capaz de aplacar su necesidad de rebeldía proveyéndoles de una lista de injusticias prefabricadas y estereotipadas en contra de las cuales puedan rebelarse: el racismo, la homofobia, los problemas de las mujeres, la pobreza, la explotación laboral… el “kit” completo con todo el batiburrillo de ridiculeces propias del manual del activista.

Una inmensa cantidad de aspirantes a rebeldes se tragan el anzuelo. Al combatir el racismo, el sexismo, etc., lo único que hacen es trabajar en favor del Sistema. En vez de darse cuenta de ello y reconocerlo, se imaginan que están rebelándose en contra del Sistema. ¿Cómo es posible que esto suceda?

Primero, hace cincuenta años el Sistema no promovía aún la igualdad para los negros, las mujeres y los homosexuales, así que, entonces, las acciones en favor de esas causas realmente eran una forma de rebelión. En consecuencia, esas causas llegaron a ser consideradas convencionalmente como causas rebeldes. Y han mantenido ese estatus hasta hoy simplemente debido a la tradición, ya que cada nueva generación de rebeldes imita a las anteriores. […]

De este modo, los activistas son capaces de mantener la ilusión de que se están rebelando contra el Sistema. Pero esa ilusión es absurda. La agitación contra el racismo, el sexismo, la homofobia y temas similares no supone mayor rebelión contra el Sistema que protestar contra el fraude o la corrupción en la política. Aquellos que luchan contra el fraude y la corrupción no se están rebelando sino que actúan en favor del Sistema, lo refuerzan: ayudan a que los políticos obedezcan las normas del Sistema. Y, de un modo similar, aquellos que actúan en contra del racismo, el sexismo y la homofobia están también reforzando el Sistema: ayudan al Sistema a suprimir las actitudes racistas, sexistas y homofóbicas que se desvían de sus necesidades y le causan problemas.


El mejor truco del Sistema.

Así que, en resumen, el mejor truco del Sistema consiste en lo siguiente:

a) Por el bien de sus propias eficiencia y seguridad, el Sistema precisa llevar a cabo cambios sociales profundos y radicales para irse adaptando a las condiciones resultantes del progreso tecnológico.

b) La frustración debida a las condiciones de vida impuestas por el Sistema produce impulsos de rebeldía.

c) Los impulsos de rebeldía son aprovechados por el Sistema en favor de los cambios sociales que éste precisa; los activistas se “rebelan” contra viejos y obsoletos valores que carecen ya de utilidad para el Sistema y en favor de nuevos valores que el Sistema necesita que aceptemos.

d) De este modo, los impulsos de rebeldía, que de otro modo podrían ser peligrosos para el Sistema, encuentran una forma de expresión que no sólo no es dañina para el Sistema, sino que le es útil.

e) Buena parte del descontento resultante de la imposición de cambios sociales, en lugar de dañar al Sistema y a sus instituciones, es dirigida contra los radicales que promueven los cambios sociales. […]

Un ejemplo

Tengo frente a mí un libro de texto de antropología en el cual he encontrado algunos buenos ejemplos del modo en el cual los intelectuales universitarios ayudan al Sistema a llevar a cabo su truco disfrazando de crítica de la sociedad moderna lo que no es sino conformismo.

El más sofisticado de todos estos ejemplos se encuentra en las páginas 132-136, donde el autor cita, “adaptándolo” a su manera, un artículo de Rhonda Kay Williamson, una persona hermafrodita (esto es, una persona que nació con caracteres físicos de ambos sexos, masculino y femenino).

Williamson afirma que los indios americanos no sólo aceptaban a las personas hermafroditas sino que las apreciaban especialmente. Y contrasta esta actitud con la de los euroamericanos, que ella identifica con la actitud que sus propios padres mostraron hacia ella.

Los padres de Williamson la maltrataban cruelmente. La despreciaban por su condición de hermafrodita. Le decían que estaba “maldita y que servía al diablo” y la sometieron a extravagantes ritos religiosos para hacer salir al “demonio” de su interior. Le dieron incluso pañuelos en los cuales debía “toser para expulsar el demonio fuera de sí”.

Sin embargo, es obviamente ridículo equiparar todo esto con la moderna actitud euroamericana. […] El estadounidense de clase media típico de la actualidad puede que no acepte la condición hermafrodita del modo que lo hacían los indios, pero pocos habrá que no reconozcan que el modo en que Williamson fue tratada es cruel.

Los padres de Williamson obviamente eran gente estrafalaria, chiflados cuyas actitudes y creencias estaban muy alejadas de los valores del Sistema. Por tanto, a pesar de que pretende estar criticando la sociedad euroamericana moderna, Williamson realmente está atacando solamente ciertas minorías atípicas y ciertas antiguallas culturales que aún no se han adaptado a los valores dominantes en los Estados Unidos del presente.

Haviland, el autor del libro, en la página 12 presenta la antropología cultural como iconoclasta, como algo que desafía los valores asumidos por la sociedad occidental moderna. Esto es tan profundamente contrario a la verdad que resultaría divertido si no fuera tan patético. La corriente predominante en la antropología moderna estadounidense está abyectamente al servicio de los valores y creencias del Sistema. Cuando los antropólogos de la actualidad pretenden poner en cuestión los valores de su sociedad, normalmente lo único que cuestionan son valores del pasado -valores obsoletos y pasados de moda que hoy en día no son mantenidos ya por nadie salvo por algunos excéntricos y reliquias vivientes que no han seguido el ritmo de los cambios culturales que el Sistema nos exige.

El uso que Haviland hace del artículo de Williamson ilustra esto muy bien y representa la tónica general de todo su libro. Haviland usa hechos etnográficos para inculcar en sus lectores lecciones políticamente correctas, pero suaviza u omite totalmente hechos etnográficos que son políticamente incorrectos. Así, mientras que cita el caso de Williamson para exaltar la aceptación de los hermafroditas por parte de los indios, no menciona, por ejemplo, que en muchas tribus indias a las mujeres que cometían adulterio se les cortaba la nariz, mientras que tal castigo no se inflingía a los hombres adúlteros; o que entre los indios crow un guerrero que recibiese un golpe por parte de un extraño tenía que matarlo inmediatamente o, de lo contrario, caería inevitablemente en desgracia a los ojos de su tribu; tampoco menciona Haviland el uso habitual de la tortura por parte de los indios del este de los Estados Unidos. Por supuesto, hechos de este tipo representan violencia, machismo y discriminación entre sexos, por tanto son incompatibles con los valores actuales del Sistema y tienden a ser censurados por ser políticamente incorrectos.

Sin embargo, no dudo que Haviland cree sinceramente que los antropólogos ponen en cuestión los fundamentos de la sociedad occidental. La capacidad para el autoengaño de nuestros intelectuales fácilmente puede alcanzar tales extremos.

Para acabar, quiero dejar bien claro que no estoy sugiriendo que esté bien amputar narices en caso de adulterio, o que cualquier otro maltrato hacia las mujeres deba ser tolerado, ni tampoco me gustaría ver a nadie discriminado o rechazado por ser hermafrodita o por su raza, religión, orientación sexual, etc., etc., etc. Pero en nuestra sociedad hoy en día luchar contra esos problemas supone, como mucho, defender meras reformas. El mejor truco del Sistema consiste en haber conseguido transformar poderosos impulsos de rebeldía, que de otro modo podrían haber tomado una dirección revolucionaria, y ponerlos al servicio de esas modestas reformas.

About feminism and coercion

Allow me to chime in.

«That is, if you are actually trying to convince them, not coerce them. But I doubt that’s the case, because your writing is clearly about women and not addressed to them.»

Every successful society coerces their people in ways that help this society. Both men and women. Women are coerced to have children. Men are coerced to support women and children.

Our society takes another option: freedom for everybody! If the liver wants to be the heart, why not? If nobody wants to be the liver, why not? This makes the society suicidal. Other societies that coerce people will replace it.

When I was a kid, in my European hometown, women were still subtly coerced to reproduce. We had a good demography: not spectacular, but above replacement. After that, we learned liberalism, progressivism and female autonomy. We have one of the lowest birthrates in the world and our population halves every 40 years.

Does this mean that the human race is going extinct in my country, as you say? Not at all! Another culture (one that coerces women more) is replacing us. 30 years ago, there was no person from this culture in my hometown. Now they have entire neighborhoods. They had to build a new mosque 10 years ago, because the first one had become small.

«Although maybe you should post your anti-feminist tracts in a place where more women are likely to read them.»

No need to do that. The problem is self-correcting. People from more traditional cultures are replacing our culture. In average, left-wing people have less kids than conservative people. And nobody is more conservative than traditional cultures.

So feminism is self-correcting, like the end of the Roman Empire, like the end of the Abbasid Caliphate, when women were judges. Some years later, when the patriarchal Turks conquered Bagdad, a woman could not walk in the street without a man.

The future belongs to patriarchy and the liberals will be a footnote in the books of history. More information in «Shall the religious inherit the earth» by secular researcher Eric Kaufmann.

I used to see this as a catastrophe. I wanted to save Western civilization. Not anymore. Now I see as a liberation. Western civilization is not worth saving. When you mutilate children only to appear virtuous, you are the spawn of Satan and you have to go.

You want to go against Mother Nature, against biology to support your narcissistic fantasy of «I do whatever I want without limits, like a god»? Well, good luck with that. Mother Nature is a b*tch and always wins.

La invasión de Afganistán, vista con ojos afganos

En la invasión de Afganistán, los occidentales pecamos de ver la realidad de forma distorsionada. Nuestra interpretación de la guerra de Afganistán dice más de nuestros prejuicios y obsesiones que de la realidad en el terreno.

Para explicar esto, he escrito una pequeña historia, en la que invierto los términos. Imagino una invasión de Pakistán a España y, cada cosa que ha hecho Estados Unidos en Afganistán, la traduzco a esa invasión inventada de Pakistán a España.

Así podemos ver la guerra con los ojos de los afganos y, además, comprender cómo piensan los fundamentalistas islámicos (Al-Qaeda u otros). Como se ve, piensan muy parecido a nosotros, aunque con otra ideología.

Lo que hizo Estados Unidos en Afganistán se escribe en color azul. Mi traducción a la historia de Pakistán invadiendo España, se escribe en color verde.

En el año 2001, Estados Unidos decidió invadir Afganistán para imponer el sistema democrático.

En una realidad inventada, Pakistán decidió invadir España para imponer el sistema fundamentalista islámico (islamista), en el que la sharía (la ley islámica) es la ley oficial del país.

Todas las encuestas decían que la práctica totalidad de ciudadanos de Afganistán rechazaba el sistema democrático, pero Estados Unidos decidió invadir de todas maneras. Según la ideología democrática, el sistema democrático es el mejor, pues es el que mejor refleja la libertad y la igualdad. Y es el que debería dominar todos los países de la tierra.

Todas las encuestas decían que la práctica totalidad de ciudadanos de España rechazaba el sistema islamista, pero Pakistán decidió invadir de todas maneras. Según la ideología islamista, el sistema islamista es el mejor, pues es el que mejor refleja la voluntad de Alá. Y es el que debería dominar todos los países de la tierra.

Además, según la ideología democrática, el sistema democrático es el que todos los pueblos de la tierra quieren. Si no lo quieren, es porque no lo han probado o porque alguien les impide practicarlo. Pero, si lo probaran de forma libre, todos los pueblos de la tierra abrazarían el sistema democrático, que es claramente superior.

Además, según la ideología islamista, el sistema islamista es el que todos los pueblos de la tierra quieren. Si no lo quieren, es porque no lo han probado o porque alguien les impide practicarlo. Pero, si lo probaran de forma libre, todos los pueblos de la tierra abrazarían el sistema islamista, que es claramente superior.

Como Estados Unidos estaba convencido de que los afganos querían un sistema democrático, aunque dijeran todo lo contrario, no se consideraron invasores, sino liberadores. Cuando mataban a gente para imponer el sistema democrático, lo hacían por su bien.

Como Pakistán estaba convencido de que los españoles querían un sistema islamista, aunque dijeran todo lo contrario, no se consideraron invasores, sino liberadores. Cuando mataban a gente para imponer el sistema islamista, lo hacían por su bien.

Después de años de matar centenares de miles de personas, Estados Unidos consiguió implantar un sistema democrático en partes de Afganistán, usando la fuerza militar y muchísimo dinero para los nuevos dirigentes de estas zonas (que muchos dirigentes se robaron).

Los afganos de estas zonas se comportaban de una forma que se aproximaba a la democracia occidental, básicamente porque el ejército americano les obligaba por la fuerza a comportarse así. Esto fue saludado por el mundo democrático como «avances democráticos», cuando era sólo un mundo artificial sostenido por la coacción y por ingentes cantidades de dinero, una Disneylandia de la democracia. Viendo estos «avances», el mundo democrático se reafirmó en su creencia de que lo que querían los afganos y todo el mundo era democracia.

Después de años de matar centenares de miles de personas, Pakistán consiguió implantar un sistema islamista en partes de España, usando la fuerza militar y muchísimo dinero para los nuevos dirigentes de estas zonas (que muchos dirigentes se robaron).

Los españoles de estas zonas se comportaban de una forma que se aproximaba al islamismo, básicamente porque el ejército pakistaní les obligaba por la fuerza a comportarse así. Esto fue saludado por el mundo islamista como «avances islamistas», cuando era sólo un mundo artificial sostenido por la coacción y por ingentes cantidades de dinero, una Disneylandia del islamismo. Viendo estos «avances», el mundo islamista se reafirmó en su creencia de que lo que querían los afganos y todo el mundo era islamismo.

Sin embargo, en las montañas, quedaban afganos que rechazaban la democracia y la invasión militar. Querían conservar la independencia de su país y su estilo de vida tradicional no democrático. Los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos, fanáticos de la ideología democrática, no podían concebir esto: les rompía todos los esquemas.

Sin embargo, en las montañas, quedaban españoles que rechazaban el islamismo y la invasión militar. Querían conservar la independencia de su país y su estilo de vida tradicional no islamista. Los ciudadanos de Pakistán, fanáticos de la ideología islamista, no podían concebir esto: les rompía todos los esquemas.

Los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos pensaban: «¿No se dan cuenta de que la democracia (y todo lo que va con ella) es mucho mejor? ¿Por qué no nos saludan como liberadores? Es cierto que los matamos de forma inmisericorde. El otro día, se tiró una bomba a una boda porque se creía que había un dirigente de la resistencia afgana. Murieron los novios y todos los invitados, pero deben saber que lo hacemos por su bien. Una novia ha muerto (nosotros lo lamentamos mucho), pero todas las otras mujeres están más cerca de probar el sistema democrático, que es lo mejor para ellas. Deben saber que les matamos por su bien, para darles ese sistema democrático superior que los afganos dicen que no quieren, pero nosotros sabemos que en el fondo quieren. ¿Por qué no nos comprenden?»

Los ciudadanos de Pakistán pensaban: «¿No se dan cuenta de que el islamismo (y todo lo que va con él) es mucho mejor? ¿Por qué no nos saludan como liberadores? Es cierto que los matamos de forma inmisericorde. El otro día, se tiró una bomba a una boda porque se creía que había un dirigente de la resistencia española. Murieron los novios y todos los invitados, pero deben saber que lo hacemos por su bien. Una novia ha muerto (nosotros lo lamentamos mucho), pero todas las otras mujeres están más cerca de probar el sistema islamista, que es lo mejor para ellas. Deben saber que les matamos por su bien, para darles ese sistema islamista superior que los españoles dicen que no quieren, pero nosotros sabemos que en el fondo quieren. ¿Por qué no nos comprenden?»

Después de veinte años, muchos millones de dólares y centenares de miles de muertos, Estados Unidos decide que la guerra no puede ganarse en Afganistán. Algo incomprensible, pues pensaban que los afganos abrazarían el sistema democrático con pasión y que sólo hacía falta tirar unas pocas bombas para que Afganistan tuviera un sistema de vida parecido a Estados Unidos. Al fin y al cabo, todo el mundo es como Estados Unidos, quiere las mismas cosas y el objeto máximo de su anhelo se llama «democracia».

Después de veinte años, muchos millones de dólares y centenares de miles de muertos, Pakistán decide que la guerra no puede ganarse en España. Algo incomprensible, pues pensaban que los españoles abrazarían el sistema islamista con pasión y que sólo hacía falta tirar unas pocas bombas para que España tuviera un sistema de vida parecido a Pakistán. Al fin y al cabo, todo el mundo es como Pakistan, quiere las mismas cosas y el objeto máximo de su anhelo se llama «islamismo».

Todavía Estados Unidos no ha dejado Afganistán y los ejércitos afganos conquistan el territorio de forma veloz y sin esfuerzo. A pesar de la insistencia de los Estados Unidos de que los afganos quieren la democracia, nadie hace la mínima oposición al avance del ejército afgano, que goza de una gran popularidad y es recibido como los liberadores de una invasión extranjera. Estados Unidos sigue insistiendo que ellos son los libertadores y el ejército afgano es el invasor, pero los afganos no parecen estar de acuerdo. No hay ninguna oposición, ninguna guerrilla, nada. Se trata de un paseo militar que deshace en 20 días el sistema democrático que se impuso en 20 años, lo que quiere decir que el sistema nunca echó raíces. 

Todavía Pakistán no ha dejado España y los ejércitos españoles conquistan el territorio de forma veloz y sin esfuerzo. A pesar de la insistencia de Pakistán de que los españoles quieren el islamismo, nadie hace la mínima oposición al avance del ejército español, que goza de una gran popularidad y es recibido como los liberadores de una invasión extranjera. Pakistán sigue insistiendo que ellos son los libertadores y el ejército español es el invasor, pero los españoles no parecen estar de acuerdo. No hay ninguna oposición, ninguna guerrilla, nada. Se trata de un paseo militar que deshace en 20 días el sistema islamista que se impuso en 20 años, lo que quiere decir que el sistema nunca echó raíces. 

Después de 20 años, billones de dólares y centenares de miles de muertos, Estados Unidos podría llegar a la conclusión de que los afganos no querían la democracia y que no todos los pueblos del mundo quieren el mismo sistema. Pero para Estados Unidos, la democracia se ha convertido en una religión incontestable y no pueden admitir esto. Por ello, buscan excusas para justificar su fantasía democrática. Encuentran un afgano entre mil que le gustaba el sistema democrático y lo presentan como si todos los afganos fueran así. O dicen que los comportamientos democráticos que se dieron obligados por la fuerza o la corrupción eran unos «avances» que se perdieron. La guerra debería haber continuado y matar a centenares de miles de afganos más, porque la democracia vale la pena y, si se hubiera insistido, los afganos hubieran abrazado el sistema democrático, porque es lo que realmente quieren, aunque digan lo contrario.

Esto es, simplemente, la expresión del fanatismo más extremo. Sin embargo, la gente que piensa así no se considera fanática. Cree que ve la realidad tal como es y que sólo quiere el bien de todo el mundo.

Después de 20 años, billones de dólares y centenares de miles de muertos, Pakistán podría llegar a la conclusión de que los españoles no querían el islamismo y que no todos los pueblos del mundo quieren el mismo sistema. Pero para Pakistán, el islamismo se ha convertido en una religión incontestable y no pueden admitir esto. Por ello, buscan excusas para justificar su fantasía islamista. Encuentran un español entre mil que le gustaba el sistema islamista y lo presentan como si todos los españoles fueran así. O dicen que los comportamientos islamistas que se dieron obligados por la fuerza o la corrupción eran unos «avances» que se perdieron. La guerra debería haber continuado y matar a centenares de miles de españoles más, porque el islamismo vale la pena y, si se hubiera insistido, los españoles hubieran abrazado el sistema islamista, porque es lo que realmente quieren, aunque digan lo contrario.

Esto es, simplemente, la expresión del fanatismo más extremo. Sin embargo, la gente que piensa así no se considera fanática. Cree que ve la realidad tal como es y que sólo quiere el bien de todo el mundo.


Anexo: Estudio del Pew Research Center, que presenta el porcentaje de musulmanes que prefieren que la sharía (ley tradicional islámica) sea la ley oficial del país. En Afganistán es el 99% Recuerde esto cuando le digan que todos los afganos quieren la democracia y el feminismo y que los talibanes no le dejan.

New Climate Change Report Once Again Promises, As It First Did In 1990, We Only Have A Few Years Left

Taken from here

How many times can you be wrong about a matter of great importance and still be taken seriously and not be fired?

Trick question!

The answer is: you can never be fired for being wrong in the right direction.

The Experts making statements about how dire the climate is have been wrong for decades, and they are still wrong in their sparkling new IPCC Climate Assessment Report 6 released Monday.

The difference between “AR6”, and ARs 1–5, is not so much in the kind of errors made, for these haven’t changed at all, but in the certainty expressed in them. It’s only a slight exaggeration to say that somebody did a “Find & Replace” of every instance of “very likely” in AR5 and changed them to “virtually certain”.

The rhetoric has been amplified, but the mistakes remain. The Experts who write these reports have never lost any authority for their repeated blunders, nor will they be taken any less than seriously for making them again now.

Because they are always wrong in the direction our rulers want them to be.

Why Not To Trust Experts

Before we come to what that means, I’ll give you the one proof that shows why the climate Experts are wrong.

You don’t need formal training in thermodynamics to follow this proof. You won’t need to understand the physics of fluid flow. You won’t have to worry about knowing the difference between vorticity and the Coriolis effect. Convective available potential energy can remain a mystery. You won’t even have to know any statistics.

This is good, because the vast majority who opine about global warming also know nothing about these subjects, even as they assure you that their plan to “save” the planet must be implemented.

Baby, It’s Cold & Hot Outside

The proof is this: ever since global cooling was the consensus in the 1970s, which later turned into the consensus of global warming in the late 1980s, which later turned into the consensus of climate change now, all of the predictions have been of doom. The future is bleak, with no sunshine foreseen.

The idea in the 1970s was that man-made pollution from burning fossil fuels was going to knock back the sun’s rays, plunging us into a new ice age.

The atmosphere was going to change because of man. And everything, every system that the atmosphere touched, was going to suffer. All Experts swore that nothing good could come from the change.

In the 1980s, when the temperature began to warm in places, the theory changed, but the predictions of doom did not. Now, burning fossil fuels was going to trap the effects of the sun’s rays, casting us into the flames.

Again, the atmosphere was going to change because of man. Again, everything was going to suffer because of this. Experts said every animal that is cute, photogenic, or delicious was going to die; whereas every beast or plant that bit, stung, or poisoned was going to flourish.

Mountains of “research” was done to “prove” that everything we loved was going to be destroyed, where everything we hated was going to increase. Because of a tenth or so of a degree increase in global mean temperature.

Politics Overtakes Science

My friends, this cannot be. It is impossible that atmospheric change can bring only harm, and cause no good. That Experts insist only evil things can occur is why you can know, without doubt, that they cannot be trusted. Experts, like you, also know that much good can come from a warmer, more carbon-dioxide-rich planet, but the Experts choose to deny these goods because of politics.

Nothing has changed in the new “guidance” from the UN. Only now they scream about a “red alert” instead of an almost red one. Or whatever color they used last time. Now, as then, they warn that “extremes” are on their way. They haven’t got here yet, but they’re coming. They’re always coming.

Or they have got here, but you need to have the kind of specialized training mentioned above to recognize them. I have that training and I don’t, because I disagree with the methods used to “see” these mysterious extremes.

It will take some time to go through the new IPCC report in full. It comes in just shy of 4,000 pages. But for the moment, I can leave you with this. It is a link to a report written by government Experts 19 years ago that asserted with absolute confidence that “within 20” years Britain would be “Siberian”, that mega-droughts, world-wide famine, and even nuclear war would occur.

Because of a tenth or so of a degree increase in global mean temperature.

This article first appeared in edited form at The Stream.

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 Categories: Statistics

16 replies »

  1. Depends on if the matter or importance is an interstate bridge and it collapses after you keep saying it’s fine. Oh, wait, you meant with models and politics…..Oh, and you must outlaw the story of the little boy that cried wolf.

    No science problem is solved by money. See the disastrous vexxine. If the parties involved want money to solve the problem, they are lying about the problem being a scientific one. That is all you need to know.

    It is definitely worth noting, as you did, that things are rarely all good or all bad, especially if the entire world is involved. Going through the report may be worth it as an intellectual exercise, but really, no one cares, any more than they do about those 2400 page bills Congress passes all the time. It’s just a way of killing all the trees……

  2. I talk to the trees and they tell me that, for them, CO2 is wonderful. “More, please” is their cry, “We can then produce more oxygen for you to breath”.

    Who would deny this, for them?

  3. If the climate is warming that is good news.

    Back in the Middle Ages, when it was warmer because Sun, grapes were grown at high altitudes and wine was enjoyed by the people but later global cooling because Sun resulted in the people being unsuccessful growing grapes at higher altitudes.

    Global warming is good.

  4. “The Little Boy who cried Wolf:
    A mischievous Lad, who was set to mind some Sheep, used, in jest, to cry “The Wolf! the Wolf!” When the people at work in the neighboring fields came running to the spot, he would laugh at them for their pains. One day the Wolf came in reality, and the Boy, this time, called “The Wolf! the Wolf!” in earnest; but the men, having been so often deceived, disregarded his cries, and the Sheep were left at the mercy of the Wolf.

    A liar will not be believed, even when telling the truth.”

    There, now spread that story far and wide and hope the public has enough intelligence left to understand or at least it might speed up the liars getting eaten by the wolf.

  5. Dr. Doombuster: ”The proof is this: ever since global cooling was the consensus in the 1970s, which later turned into the consensus of global warming in the late 1980s, which later turned into the consensus of climate change now, all of the predictions have been of doom. The future is bleak, with no sunshine foreseen.”

    Yes indeed Doc, this consistent pattern of FEAR! PANIC! DOOM! — is how you know it’s a planned campaign of psychological warfare by a small group of power-crazed-would-be-god-men to frighten and panic us into absolute submission. An old trick, not new. Short video does excellent job illustrating how it works:

    MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

  6. I’m beginning to believe that this is all a long con by the devil, so that when God inevitably destroys the worls using the Sun and some flooding or whatever, that a generation of oh-so-smart skeptics to come will uncover tablets of IPCC predictions in Bill Gates’ pyramidal tomb and declare that the recovery of Christianity is wrong because the wisest sages of ages past figured out it was all because of fossil fuel powered air conditioning.

  7. The same ‘tards that buy Climatism are the same ‘tards wearing face diapers driving by themselves, lining up for the ClotShot and screeching that everyone else must join them.

  8. Every day it becomes harder not to take the black pill.

    Honestly, when Assange released the East Anglia CRU emails and proved it was all a big scam, that should have been the end of this nonsense once and for all.

    But no, the masses keep buying the new lies just minutes after the old lies are disproved.

    At this point I’m beginning to think that not only is civilization doomed, but it should be. The people are too effing stupid to be allowed to live lives of freedom, luxury and happiness. The entire species deserves the reign of terror they are so desperate to put in charge, they deserve the slavery, death, destruction and pain. They deserve Marxist dictatorship … frankly they deserve the giant asteroid.

    If I were God, I would have sterilized Noah and his family and been done with it.

  9. “How can we trust the trees to keep their side of the bargain, huh?”

    By hatchet,
    And saw…

  10. Dear Haghfish. One way a once Christian Civilisation becomes mentally ill is to begin listening to, believing in and then acting on the destructive lies promoted by the Messias-Deniers seeking to destroy it – Like Freud and Jung.


    Freud and Jung were perverts whose lives had been corrupted by their sexual sins and instead of repentance and metanoia they tried to rationalise away their sins.

  11. “Sigmund and Minna and Carl and Sabina: The birth of psychoanalysis out of the personal lives of its founders: is chapter 8 in “Degenerate Moderns” a terrific deconstruction of those creepy clowns.

    These two perverts were serious sexual sinners and Jung was well practiced in the art of the lie (which he later admitted in his “Memories”).

    Our Library of Congress, for a long time, refused to release the correspondence between Freud and his sister in law Minna , (whom he knocked up and took to get an abortion) away from the public and when it was finally released in January 1989, those letters were missing.

    Typical BS by our Over Lords who found solace in the absurd rationalising of the sexual sins of these two perverts

    Dear Male Reader, did you want to fornicate with your Mom? Then Freud’s your go-to-boy to tell you that’s cool, because its a universal impulse –

    Who knows? Maybe Jeffrey Dahmer thought that murder and cannibalism was a universal impulse.

    Jung fornicated with one of his patients, Sabina Spielrein, and felt compelled to confess to Freud.

    Wadda couple of corrupt liars

    The patient whom Doctor Jung was screwing was also screwing another woman and he loved them both and tried to reconcile that problem. As Spielrein wrote in her diary “his soul is constantly torn between women” which is why the perv retreated in gnosticism reconcile opposites, thus, Mysterium Conjunctionis.

    The author of the book, Jones, posits the “Dimmesdale Syndrome” as the key to understand the sexual sinners.

    Dimmesdale was the preacher in “The Scarlet Letter: who simultaneously confused and concealed (He spoke from the pulpit at night with nobody around – the second of three pulpit scenes in that great novel).

    The syndrome works like this – Immoral action ->guilt – >remorse ->confession/Concealment

    Dimesdale was looking for “there might be a moment’s peace in it” and so the midnight confession from the Pulpit with no congregation present.

    A more modern version of the Dimmesdale Syndrome is the Gay Pride Parades

  12. Some interesting thoughts, re: God keeps His word … maybe sterilizing Noah et al.

    The Bible says “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
    Numbers 23: 19.

    So, when God created Adam and Eve, He told them to: “God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
    Genesis 1: 28.

    And after they sinned, See Genesis Chapter 3 in which God says:

    “16To the woman He said,
    “I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth,
    In pain you will bring forth children;
    Yet your desire will be for your husband,
    And he will rule over you.”

    17Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
    Cursed is the ground because of you;
    In toil you will eat of it
    All the days of your life.

    18“Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
    And you will eat the plants of the field;

    19By the sweat of your face
    You will eat bread,
    Till you return to the ground,
    Because from it you were taken;
    For you are dust,
    And to dust you shall return.”

    So, God kept His word for them to be fruitful and multiply, and to fill the earth and subdue it …. the difference being, that now that all creation fell with the sin of human beings, often bodily nature and earth nature will work against human beings, plus, our human nature will always be at odds with God because sin broke the relationship nearly irretriveably. But even so, God is always in charge!!

    Only the Life, Death, and Resurrection of His Son could reset the relationship, and even then, the fallen human nature, the nature that wants to be its own god, will always be fighting us, even after we receive the salvation in Jesus. It will be very difficult to “kill” the sinful nature within oneself. See Paul in Romans. The big “WHY”?. Now I belong to Jesus and yet sometimes am tempted to pull away from Him. Daily prayer in Jesus’ armor is the answer. Growing in loving God is the answer.

    There is no thing and nothing of the world, that can give everlasting peace. Always, sinful nature, the “I am god nature”, will rise to the top. Sometimes God allows a time of apparent peace in a part of the world, but not throughout the whole of it at the same time. And when His people sin and do not sincerely repent, He has judgments take place to show people how horrid sin is.

    God bless, C-Marie

La apelación a la ciencia en el cambio climático

Tomado de aquí

Una mota es una fortificación medieval situada en un cerro y rodeada de un patio y una fortificación exterior más débil. Si alguien lograba superar la exterior, los habitantes del castillo se podían refugiar en la interior y defenderse desde allí. Su nombre se emplea con frecuencia en las redes (en inglés, claro, motte-and-bailey) para denominar la técnica retórica consistente en confundir interesadamente una posición en la que todo el mundo está de acuerdo (la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, por ejemplo) y otra que, en cambio, es terriblemente controvertida (el feminismo de género, dedicado a otorgar privilegios legales, económicos, sociales y políticos a las mujeres sobre los hombres). Cuando alguien ataca la opinión controvertida, los que la sostienen se refugian en la opinión que goza de consenso y acusan al primero de estar en su contra. Lo vemos con frecuencia. Si criticas la ley de violencia de género por fomentar las denuncias falsas y acabar con la igualdad ante la ley, entonces es que estás en contra de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Es un truco sucio, fácil de identificar, pero aun así tremendamente efectivo.

También se emplea con la ciencia. Existe un acuerdo general en la bondad de la ciencia como método para avanzar en nuestro conocimiento del mundo y en nuestras habilidades para cambiarlo, pero desde hace años se está empleando ese argumento como cobertura para intentar convencernos de que la ciencia es lo que dicen que es las instituciones científicas, ya sean éstas el consenso académico o una autoridad oficial. Ciencia es, en definitiva, lo que diga el dúo calavera que forman Anthony Fauci en Estados Unidos y Fernando Simón en España, aunque la realidad se encargue de contradecirlos a los pocos días o ellos mismos admitan que mintieron por el bien común.

Las instituciones científicas nos dijeron que la deriva continental era una teoría absurda, condenaron a millones a la obesidad con sus dietas altas en carbohidratos y colaboraron en el contagio de coronavirus de miles de personas con su insistencia en que las mascarillas no servían de nada. Por eso resulta preocupante que con la presentación del último informe del IPCC se hayan vuelto a alzar voces de científicos que nos aseguran que «no hay nada más que hablar». Si se duda es que se está contra la ciencia. Es una afirmación que ataca frontalmente a la ciencia como método, pero que resulta necesaria para defender a las instituciones científicas de las dudas de quienes, empleando la ciencia, ofrecen unas conclusiones distintas o incluso se limitan a mirar el informe con ojos menos catastróficos. Son «negacionistas», como quienes afirman que el Holocausto no existió, sólo porque dudan de que unos modelos hechos con computadora sean una bola de cristal tan fiable como para sacrificar en su nombre nuestro bienestar actual y futuro. Lo estamos viendo estos días con la factura de la luz, que está donde está en buena parte porque a nuestros políticos les importa mucho menos la pobreza energética que quedar bien ante Greta Thunberg.

El informe del IPCC contiene muchas afirmaciones discutibles, como su decisión de elevar a 3 grados la sensibilidad climática cuando los 1,1 grados que ha subido la temperatura hasta ahora nos indicarían una cifra más cercana a los 1,5, o el empleo otra vez de escenarios catastrofistas imposibles que reconoce como «improbables» como vía de lograr titulares apocalípticos. También se niega a recopilar los beneficios tanto del calentamiento de la atmósfera como de las propias emisiones, entre los que está un menor número de muertes relacionadas con la temperatura (muere mucha menos gente por calor que por frío), una mayor productividad agrícola o el reverdecimiento del planeta.

Como no hablamos de ciencia, sino de ciencia oficial, lo que han vuelto a hacer políticos y periodistas con el informe es aún peor. El secretario general de la ONU ha hablado de «código rojo» y de que sólo podemos prevenir una catástrofe si actuamos ya, pero lo cierto es que se han ido cumpliendo los distintos puntos sin retorno que nos han ido marcando con los años y ahí siguen, reemplazándolos por unos nuevos cada vez menos creíbles. Y no olvidemos los medios. Que si la temperatura va a subir tanto (olvidándose de restar los 1,1 grados que ya ha subido). Que si la tierra arde. Todo con muchas fotos de incendios. La superficie quemada no ha hecho más que reducirse desde hace décadas, pero qué más da.

Vivimos en un mundo en el que la ciencia como institución nos dice que el cambio climático es indudable pero que las diferencias biológicas entre hombres y mujeres no existen. Es inevitable que, si las instituciones científicas se corrompen para servir a una u otra ideología, cada vez más gente dude de sus dictados. Entonces se defienden indignándose de que dudemos de «la ciencia». Pero eso no lo hace nadie. Simplemente, ustedes no son la ciencia.


Sobre la historia de la Biblia

El versículo que suelen usar los protestantes para justificar el principio de Sola Scriptura, es decir, que sólo la Biblia es inspirada por Dios y que sólo lo que hay en la Biblia es doctrina cristiana (aunque después ellos no lo apliquen en la realidad) es el siguiente :

Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios, y útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, enteramente preparado para toda buena obra. (2 Timoteo 3, 16-17)

(En este escrito, todas las citas bíblicas se dan de la traducción «Reina Valera 1960», la Biblia que los protestantes en lengua española utilizan mayoritariamente y ven como la ideal. A veces esta traducción tiene lenguaje arcaico).

En esta cita no dice que la Escritura sea «lo único inspirado» o «lo único útil» para enseñar.

Es como si dijeras: «Todo el banano es útil para comer».  No quiere decir que es lo único útil. También puedes comer pizza

O dijeras: «Toda la carrera de la universidad es útil para la vida profesional». No quiere decir que no haya otras cosas útiles para la vida profesional.

O dijeras:  «Todas las vacunas son útiles para el coronavirus». Eso no quiere decir que sea lo único útil: las UCIs son útiles, los hospitales, etc.

Si los protestantes quisieran justificar su posición tendrían que encontrar un versículo que dijera: «Sólo lo que está en la Escritura está inspirado por Dios» o «No hay nada más que la Escritura para saber la voluntad de Dios«. No lo encontrarán: eso se lo inventó Lutero, 1500 años después

Sería útil repasar la historia de la Biblia, que los protestantes suelen ignorar porque no encaja con sus ideas preestablecidas.

Jesús no escribió una letra. Todo lo que lees en la Biblia está escrito años después de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús.

Jesús hizo lo que se hacía en su tiempo.  Si quieres dar un mensaje al mundo, te rodeas de un grupo de discípulos.

Jesús no escribió una Biblia, fundó una Iglesia: la Iglesia Católica.  Las Asambleas de Dios se fundaron hace 100 años.  La Iglesia Católica la fundó Jesús, hace 2000 años.

Jesús dio su mensaje a sus discípulos. El lo dijo todo de voz, no escribió nada. Y le dio instrucciones a sus discípulos para que tuvieran autoridad y continuaran la iglesia.

Y yo también te digo, que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades [infierno] no prevalecerán contra ella. Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
Mateo 16, 18-19

(Aquí, Jesús usa terminología rabínica de su tiempo: «atar» y «desatar» quiere decir permitir y prohibir en sentido religioso. El «maestro de las llaves» era lo que hoy llamamos «el primer ministro»: esto se ve en el Antiguo Testamento. Jesús es el rey del reino de los cielos – esto aparece varias veces en el Nuevo Testamento – y Pedro es su primer ministro)

Lo que hacía Jesús era lo normal en su tiempo. El profeta Isaías del Antiguo Testamento no escribió una letra. El libro de Isaías lo escribieron después. Isaías hizo unos discípulos y ellos transmitieron en mensaje de palabra.  Con el tiempo, esto se puso por escrito, como pasó con  Jesús.

También los maestros paganos hacían lo mismo.  Buda no escribió una letra: hizo discípulos. Los textos budistas se escribieron después.  Sócrates no escribió una letra. Tuvo discípulos y uno de ellos (Platón) escribió lo que decía.

Entonces la idea es que los discípulos fueran evangelizando.  Por eso, dice Jesús en Lucas:

El que a ustedes escucha, a mí me escucha (Lucas 10, 16)

Fíjate que Jesús no dice: «El que lee la Biblia, a mi me escucha«.

Jesús dio su mensaje a la Iglesia. A este mensaje se le llama «la tradición».  Se llama «tradición» a las cosas que se pasan con palabras, de voz, sin escribirlas

San Pablo dice:

«Todo lo que han aprendido, recibido y oído de mí, todo lo que me han visto hacer, háganlo» (Filipenses 4,9).

Fíjate que no dice: «todo lo que han leído de la Biblia o de la Escritura». El mensaje se transmitía de maestro a discípulo.

También dice:

«Lo que aprendiste de mí, confirmado por muchos testigos, confíalo a hombres que merezcan confianza, capaces de instruir después a otros» (2. Timoteo 2,2).

Fíjate que no dice «lo que hayan leído en la Biblia».

Y mi preferido:

 «Manténganse firmes guardando fielmente las tradiciones que les enseñamos DE PALABRA y por carta» (2 Tesalonicenses 2,15).

Entonces, Jesús dio el mensaje y la iglesia lo transmitió por palabra y por carta(de Pablo).  Pero no existía la Biblia, ni los evangelios.

Los apóstoles iban de ciudad en ciudad, diciendo lo que habían visto.

 Y [Jesús] les dijo: Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura. (Marcos 16, 15)

Y el libro de los hechos de los apóstoles narra como los apóstoles iban de ciudad en ciudad predicando el evangelio («evangelio» en el griego original quiere decir «Buena Noticia», no quiere decir los libros que ahora conocemos).

Sin embargo, con el tiempo, los apóstoles se pusieron viejucos. Y los cristianos comenzaron  a pensar: «Cuando se mueran estos, ya no habrá nadie que transmita el mensaje.  Y se dijeron «hay que poner estas cosas por escrito para que duren para siempre».

Por ejemplo, el apóstol Pedro iba de pueblo en pueblo dando predicaciones (sermones) de lo que había visto.  Y tenía un discípulo, Marcos.  Y Marcos escribió lo que predicaba Pedro. Y este es el evangelio de Marcos, el primero.  Pero este fue 30 o 40 años después de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús.

Papias era uno de los obispos de la iglesia,  que fue discípulo de San Juan y de su discípulo Policarpo.  Vivió de 69 a 150 d.C.  Y él nos dice esto del evangelio de Marcos:

«Marcos, habiendo llegado a ser el intérprete de Pedro, escribió con exactitud todo cuanto recordó. No fue, sin embargo, en orden exacto que él relató los dichos y hechos de Cristo. Porque él ni oyó al Señor ni le acompañó. Pero después, como dije, él acompañó a Pedro, quien acomodaba sus instrucciones a las necesidades [de sus oyentes], pero sin intención alguna de dar una narración regular de los dichos del Señor. Por eso Marcos no cometió ningún error al escribir así algunas cosas según él las recordaba. Por una parte él ejerció especial cuidado, de no omitir cosa alguna que había oído, y de no poner en las declaraciones ninguna cosa ficticia.»

Entonces, de forma similar, se escribieron los otros libros de la Biblia. Y también otros libros que no están en la Biblia: el pastor de Hermas, las cartas de Clemente. Pero en la Biblia se incluyó parte de la tradición, parte del mensaje, no todo la tradición.

Ya el mismo evangelio de San Juan nos dice que no nos puede contar todo. Lo dice dos veces que hubo mucho más. Una vez:

«Y hay también otras muchas cosas que hizo Jesús, que si se escribieran cada una por sí, pienso que ni aun el mundo podrá contener los libros que se habrían de escribir» Juan 21:25

En otra ocasión dice:

Hizo además Jesús muchas otras señales en presencia de sus discípulos, las cuales no están escritas en este libro. Pero éstas se han escrito para que creáis que Jesús es el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, y para que creyendo, tengáis vida en su nombre. (Juan 20, 30-31)

Los evangelios no podían recoger todo lo que había hecho y dicho Jesús.  Sabían que no tenían espacio: los libros se copiaban a mano. Sólo escribieron  lo mínimo para que la gente creyera.

Pero los discípulos siguieron contando a través de la tradición, cosas que no estaban en los evangelios u otros libros.  La iglesia pasaba estas informaciones como siempre las había pasado: de palabra, no por escrito.

Por ejemplo, la virginidad de María

La concepción virginal de María no está en los libros que acabarían entrando en la Biblia. Pero San Ignacio de Antioquía era discípulo del apostol San Juan y recibió esa información de labios de este. Proclama esta virginidad en el año 107 d.C, sólo 60 años después de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús.

1400 años antes de que Lutero creara el protestantismo ya todos estaban claros que María era virgen. ¿Por qué? ¿Lo habían leído en la Biblia?.  No, lo habían recibido de los apóstoles.  Recuerda:

«Y hay también otras muchas cosas que hizo Jesús, que si se escribieran cada una por sí, pienso que ni aun el mundo podrá contener los libros que se habrían de escribir» Juan 21:25

De toda la tradición, sólo parte está en la Biblia. Otra parte está en la Iglesia. Jesús no escribió la Biblia: fundó una Iglesia.

Contaré algo más. Imagínate el tiempo de San Ignacio. 100 años después del nacimiento de Cristo. ¿Había Biblia? No.

Ya todos los libros de la Biblia estaban escritos. Pero nadie los había reunido en un único libro, como los tenemos ahora. Estaban dispersos y mezclados con otros libros religiosos.

Lo que pasa es que no existía el libro como lo conocemos.  Lo que existía eran los rollos.

Entonces cada libro de la Biblia cabía en un rollo.  Si había libros largos había que usar dos rollos. Por eso, hay en el Antiguo Testamento,  hay 1 Crónicas y 2 Crónicas (el primer rollo del libro de Crónicas y el segundo rollo). También 1 Reyes y 2 Reyes y así.

Esos rollos se guardaban en un armario con otros rollos.  Rollos de cánticos, de otros libros que no acabaron entrando en la Biblia, etc. Entonces no estaba claro qué rollos estaban inspirados por Dios y cuáles no.

Hasta que sobre el año 400 se reunieron los obispos de la Iglesia Católica y dijeron: «la lista de libros inspirados por Dios es esta». Y es ahí donde nace la Biblia.

Hubo libros que estuvieron a punto de no entrar, como el apocalipsis, el evangelio de San Juan o el libro de Esther. Había evangelios tardíos que no entraron, etc. Hubo libros que estuvieron a punto de entrar y no entraron, como el Pastor de Hermas.

Entonces, como un sacerdote dijo en un podcast: «cada vez que un protestante abre una Biblia está expresando su fe en la Iglesia Católica, porque fue la Iglesia Católica la que decidió qué libros entraban en la Biblia y cuáles no»

Ahora piensa una cosa más. Durante 400 años, los cristianos no tuvieron Biblia. Y algunos de los cristianos más ilustres estaban en ese periodo:  San Pablo, San Juan, Pedro, Marcos, Lucas… Esta gente no tenía Biblia.  Ni tampoco la generaciones de sus hijos, de sus nietos, de sus bisnietos. Durante 400 años, los cristianos no tuvieron Biblia

Si el cristianismo fuera seguir la Biblia, ¿quiere decir que los cristianos que vivieron durante esos 400 años no son cristianos? ¿Tiraremos a San Pablo al infierno porque no tenía Biblia?

No, lo importante es el mensaje.  Esa gente recibía el mensaje. ¿De dónde? De la tradición que transmitía la Iglesia.  Jesús no escribió una Biblia: fundó una Iglesia

Una cosa más.  Imagínate que estamos después del año 400. Ya tenemos Biblia. Pero nadie puede conseguirla, porque los libros eran carísimos y sólo los tenían las iglesias.  No es que todos pudieran tener una Biblia en su casa

Así eran las Biblias en la Edad Media. Yo he visto unas de cerca, en el monasterio de San Millán de la Cogolla.

¿Tu te crees que un campesino podía comprar una de esas? Eran carísimas. Tenían ilustraciones detalladas.  Se copiaban y pintaban a mano.

¿Como conocía la gente qué se decía en la Biblia, si no podía conseguir una Biblia?  Porque se lo contaban en la Iglesia

Sólo un poco antes de Lutero, se inventa la imprenta y todo el mundo puede tener una Biblia en casa. Pero por 1400 años no fue así. ¿ Son estos cristianos en 1400 años menos cristianos porque no tenían Biblia?

No, porque el cristianismo es una iglesia, no un libro.

Los protestantes hablan como si la Biblia hubiera caído del cielo y escrita por Jesús.  Y eso cuando estudias un poco, te das cuenta que es un absurdo

There Are No Such Thing As Gays (Or Trannies)

Yours Truly is a statistician; indeed, the Statistician to the Stars! I call myself that because I perform probability analyses for money (and only for the best people). Yet I used to call myself a physicist, because physics was what I was doing at the time. And every now and then I call myself a cook, though this term has been hotly disputed. With cause.

Besides statisticians, there are butchers, bakers, candlestick makers. There are woodworkers, snorkelers, LARPers. There are diplomats, soldiers, dowsers. Many similar names are called easily to mind, all of which describe occupations, avocations, or vocations. These labels tell of what people do.

Ed the insurance salesman who sold you your government-mandated policy is, of course, a salesman. But he was not born a salesman. Yet it is true by definition that Ed has the biological capability to sell insurance. If he did not have a certain genetic makeup mixed in time with a certain environment, Ed would never had made the actuarial grade; if, for instance, he could not reliably calculate a percentage, he would have been forced to look elsewhere for his daily bread. Even given his insurance-suited biology, and the force of a government mandate, Ed was not born or impelled to sell insurance. Selling insurance was a choice. It is true Ed may have developed a passion for policies and an appetency for annuities, but if tomorrow the government reversed course and outlawed insurance, Ed would move on and have a new occupational label affixed to him.

Now Ed is also a dad, a father. We imply from this that he is also a son and therefore a man. These nouns do not describe what Ed does, except incidentally, because everybody knows common things fathers, sons, and men do. These words instead describe what Ed is. Being as opposed to doing. Essence is essential. Ed may renounce his manhood, and may even be encouraged to do so, but this in no way changes his essence. He is and always will be a man, even if the government mandates that we call him something else. He is of essence a son because it is a logical implication of being a man that one must be (or have been) a son. Ed is only a father accidentally, with respect to being a man, because men need not become fathers and because being a father is not a requirement of being a man. But once he is a father, the office of fatherhood itself has an essential nature, the marks of which are known to all.

There are nouns that indicate essence: man, woman, son, daughter. And there are nouns indicating occupation and behavior: criminal, politician, knitter. English is not highly inflected and we do not have the grammatical declension that man differs from salesman in that one implies an essential nature and one an accident. It is an accident in the metaphysical sense that Ed is a salesman and not an assistant manager or truck driver. Ed is a man, in the metaphysical sense, essentially and unchangeably. Incidentally, in modern English essentially can also take the definition “more-or-less”, which is almost the opposite of the metaphysical understanding that essences are necessary, fixed, and definite (essences are fixed, though our knowledge of them in fluid). Watch for this.

Turns out poor Ed is an asthmatic and suffers from piles (hemorrhoids). We do not in English have a word for piles-sufferer, so let us coin pileser. Ed, then, is a pileser and asthmatic. Asthma and piles are diseases, departures from health. Because we know the essence of health in men, a departure from health logically implies that piles and asthma are accidents and not essences when describing what Ed is. Ed is accidentally a pileser; Ed is essentially a man.

We have to be careful because piles the disease has essential characteristics (which are too painful to contemplate); so, too, does asthma have a certain etiology, is associated with certain symptoms, is treated in certain ways. But these essences are of the things, the diseases, and not Ed. The absence of health, and the presence of these diseases, are accidents. They are not part of what Ed is essentially, even though, as is clear, Ed’s behavior will change in the presence of these diseases. We sometimes say things like, “Ed is not the man he used to be”, because we recognize Ed can no longer play rugby with the same verve he had before his piles and asthma, and not because we think the natures or essences of man has changed. We speak of the accidents. Or, supposing Ed’s loss of vitality the case of increasing age, we do speak of the weakening of the essence of man, because it is the nature of man to age and die. Again, English does not do a good job intimating these distinctions.

Ed is a Presbyterian, a lay member of his church. And there are within Christianity and other religions priests, nuns, monks. Here there is a distinction. In one sense, Ed is a Presbyterian accidentally, since there are other sects which he might have joined. But, accepting the premise of Jesus’s divine nature, and of Ed’s sincere faith, then Ed has also himself changed in his very essence. He has had a conversionTherefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Ed is more than a man, he is a Christian-man. A similar but different change in Ed’s essence would have occurred were (say) Ed ordained a Catholic priest: Ed would be a priest essentially. If per impossible the premise of Jesus’s divinity is rejected, Ed would only be a Presbyterian accidentally, and Father O’Malley at St Mary’s would also only be accidentally a priest in the way Yours Truly is a statistician.

We finally come to the main point. Ed is a father and a man, but Ed is not a heterosexual; neither is he straight in any essential sense. (Recall that heterosexual and homosexual were coined only a century ago to indicate different classes of sex obsession and not essences.) Ed has with his wife procreated, but it is in the nature of man, and therefore of Ed, to procreate with wives. This is, after all, why there are so many people about. In the strict metaphysical essential sense, heterosexual-man (as we now know the word) and man are identical: the addition of the prefix does nothing to change the word or the essence. At best, the prefix could only mean recorded as acting in accord with his nature. This prefix, then, or the word as standalone, is an accidental designator.

Suppose Ed stepped on a land mine and in that accident lost his pertinents. Ed is still essentially a man, even though he has lost his ability to procreate. Just as Ed was still essentially a man even after developing piles. A departure from health does not change the essence of man, though it does change Ed. Again, if Ed were to develop a specific disease that robbed him of his sexual powers, Ed would still be a man. Ed would still be a man if he took a knife to himself and did the work of the landmine in sanitary conditions. And if Ed were to diminish his reproductive energies by misconducting himself down at the kennel (bestiality is legal in several countries) or with himself or with another man, Ed would still essentially be a man. But Ed would in each of these cases be acting against his nature.

Suppose Ed thought he could fly and tried to do so by jumping off a tall building. It is not in the nature of man to fly (sans apparatus). Why Ed thought he could fly is not important. He is, however, going to suffer from his act when Reality intersects with his Belief—he will at the least suffer a great disappointment, and at the worst suffer his final exit. Even if he didn’t suffer physically (say it was only the second floor and water was below), Ed has still acted against his nature by attempting to do something that was impossible. He will in this case suffer a crisis of thought, however minor.

This brings us to the point of asking what sexual intercourse is for. That is simple: procreation. I won’t here defend that conclusion and its ramifications, as that has been ably done elsewhere, and it is anyway obvious. That you are alive and reading this is sufficient proof: ask your parents if you are not convinced. That some can, or might be able, to monkey with the formula man + woman = child in no way changes the essence of procreation, just as a man losing his pertinents in a mishap in no way changes the essence of man. Another proof is to examine (in the West) “sex education”, the point of which is to show ways to avoid the natural consequences of sex. We did not need sex education, which is really sex diseducation; for thousands of years people without such training were already adept at the practice, until our culture decided to deny the essence of sex. Except for the dry biological details of what happens during actual sex, details which are not needed to understand the purpose of sex, sex education is of no use and to the extent it embraces anti-essentialist propaganda, causes actual harm.

Sex, then, is for procreation. What follows is that departures from the intent of procreation are departures from nature, acts against nature, unnatural acts, or perversions. It then is also true that a desire or proclivity toward these acts, even they are never committed, are also perversions of nature; they are errant thoughts.

All those supposed acts Ed committed, or fantasized about committing, not with his wife or without the intent or openness to procreation, were therefore acts against Ed’s nature. These include acts or thoughts of sodomy. This is why the Catholic Church rightly calls same-sex attraction “objectively disordered”. The catechism only errs is not going farther and labeling other non-natural attractions disordered (it didn’t think it had to, these at the time being rare). There are many such disordered acts. Masturbation, necrophilia, pedophilia, zoophilia (woofism), and so on. The lack of mention of these is, however, only because of the current and increasing popularity of sodomy. Of course, while sodomy has throughout history seen its ups and downs, it is only now that it is seen as not only natural but “good”.

What do asthmatics and pilesers have to offer mankind? Just this: they can tell us of their diseases, of the struggles and successes with them, they can describe the course or cures of their diseases; they can explain to non-sufferers their symptoms and of their suffering. A person with asthma might say, “In a way, I’m glad I have this disease. It taught me what really counts in life.” The asthmatic recognizes the departure from health, seeks to limits the excesses of the disease, and learns to live with it and to even profit from it spiritually as best he can. We would not, however, say the asthmatic or pilser has certain “gifts and qualities” because he suffers from a departure from health. Asthma or piles are never “gifts” or “qualities”, except in analogical or metaphorical senses. Nobody would seek these diseases out and wish he had them, not if he were sane. And nobody would say it is a good thing another had these maladies, again not if he were sane. We would all rather these sufferers were restored to health, even if we knew that no cure was possible.

It is true some are more prone to certain diseases than others. It is not “fair” that this is so, it is not “fair” some are stronger and some weaker. There is no sense that there can ever be “equality” in health, except for blind, anti-realistic wish. Disease strikes where it strikes. And it is even possible God wills a man to have a disease. So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown. Job was put through great and terrible suffering, not only to teach him an important lesson, but to teach us, too. Even though, as some of us might think, he did not “deserve” it. At no point in this story are Job’s woes seen as gifts, if that word is used in any positive or happy sense. Nor were Job’s sores qualities, except in the bland sense used by a pathologist cataloging disease and causes of morbidity and mortality.

We would recognize something had gone seriously astray were the pileser to announce he was proud of his condition, if he used that word with connotations that he possessed something good or positive. To say that you were proud of having piles, a departure from health, would be the same as saying you were proud to have your abdomen slit open with a rusty tuna can, another departure from health (though you might be proud of the cause of the injury; for instance, it was received while defending the view there are no such things as homosexuals). It would be even more shocking were a man to announce he was seeking out these diseases, or any disease; it would be shocking in the same way a man announced he was seeking self-murder.

There are no piles “Pride” parades, nor asthma “Pride” parades, nor any parades in joyous celebration of what are recognized as departures from health. There are in some quarter marches to raise money and “awareness”, marches which have devolved to festive occasions, but there is no sense, say, marching for women with breast cancer is an acknowledgement that breast cancer is a good, or that women with breast cancer are more than women, something other than and superior to women. The reason we do not have these festivities is obvious to all.

Now we do in English have the word masturbator, but we do not have masturbator “pride” parades, nor do we have any notion that a masturbator is a new kind of person, different in essence than a non-masturbator. Masturbation is an act, to which some are more prone than others, and at different periods. We do not speak of the “masturbator community”. Nor do we (yet, anyway) speak of the necrophiliac community, woofie (zoophilic) community, objectum sexual community (those who simulate intercourse with common objects like fences and sofas), ecosexual community (those who simulate intercourse with piles of dirt) community, or furry (those who dress as animals and then copulate). Open pride is not necessarily lacking in each of these activities, but there are as yet no wide-spread organized efforts to win acceptance for them.

It is true, and obvious, that people act in these and other ways deviant from essential sexuality and always have. There is no sense, and no hope, that such deviations can be eliminated or prevented; indeed, there is the expectation new ways to attempt to escape from our essential nature will be invented. Who before a dozen years ago even imagined “ecosexual” behavior? Habitual population presence of certain behaviors among individuals does not make a sexual or any other act essential or good. For we have always had with us rapists, murderers, politicians, burglars, arsonists, cross-dressers. Ancient Greece had thieves, and so do we; but this does not make thievery morally right or essential to man’s nature. Ancient Greece also had those who practiced sodomy, as do we; again, this does not make it morally right. Consider, too, the affections and habits of modern practitioners differ markedly from ancient practitioners. Culture is crucial and shifting, whereas essence and right are wrong are fixed and unchangeable.

There is a dichotomy. There is sex, actual sex, that which accords with our natures oriented toward procreation, or there is simulated sex, i.e. various forms of masturbation, whether alone or with other people (this includes couplings in which contraception is used), objects, or animals, or sex not oriented toward procreation (i.e. not directed towards creating a family).

This is a key insight. Either you with your spouse are engaged in sexual intercourse, open to the possibility that the coupling will produce a new life, i.e. you are acknowledging your limited place in the world and admitting your limited understanding of how a conception may arise, even in seemingly (or actual) miraculous circumstances. Or you are “oriented” to yourself. Other terms for this are selfishness and narcissism.

Though there are many variants and encrustations to the acronym, we mainly hear of “LGBT” people or the “LGBT community”, as if lesbians and transgenders form a natural class of beings different than “breeders”; different in essence, that is. Yet because we know what sex is for, the terms homosexual or gay or lesbian and so on can only describe those persons who suffer departures from sexual health in exactly the same way that asthmatics describe those individuals who suffer departure from respiratory health. LGBT are no different in being in the condition of lack of sexual health than are necrophiliacs, woofies, masturbators and all the rest, though masturbation is a commonality. It is impossible for two men to have sexual intercourse for obvious biological reasons. Transgender individuals may not suffer a lack of sexual health, depending on their specific sexual behavior, but instead lack mental normality. A man who imagines to be a woman lacks, at the least, a full appreciation of reality. Lipstick on a pig, as the cliché truthfully teaches us, does not make the pig a woman.

The terms asthmaticsgay and all the rest, then, are analogous. None of them describe individuals who are different in essence from mankind. Gays, lesbians, and transexuals are not different in kind, just in desire and act. There are therefore no such beings as gays or lesbians or transexuals as most use the term, to implicitly describe creatures who are more (and usually better) than human. People speak of gays as if they have always been with us existing as a diaspora, and would somehow be happier if they could either transport back to their homeworld or they could transform their current abodes to resemble it. To say there are gays is like to say we have discovered a species of human-like creatures who can (secretly) fly.

If you say they are gays in the ontological sense then you must also say there are masturbators, necrophiliacs, pedophiles, woolfies, et cetera unto infinity, because it is mere prejudice and bigotry to single out any one sexual desire, like men who desire men, against all the others. That position is not supportable, though as we all know, there are currents in that direction. If there are gays, then there are statisticians, accountants, even. Indeed, there would and must be a different kind of being for every activity or desire. But if this is so, then, of course, we must toss out the biological concepts of sexual reproduction and species; they are mere baseless prejudice.

There are gays like there statisticians, though; people who act in distinctive ways. Saying this does not cast moral judgement on the acts. That moral knowledge has to come from elsewhere. And then it is unlikely we would see statistician pride parades. This joke masks the most important point. The reason we do not have pride parades of actuaries, accountants, and adders (those who have great facility with math) is because everybody knows the acts of these people are not per se immoral, whereas many do know or suspect homosexual acts are immoral. The parades are not to acknowledge the existence of that which cannot exist, but to normalize departures from sexual health as if those departures were a good or were gifts. It is because it is known the acts are shameful that open pride in them is declared.

The category error is important. Consider at least for the sake of argument that homosexual acts are immoral (as are all acts that depart from procreation). Then making the ontological error of saying there are gays must obviate the immorality. If there are gays in the ontological sense, then it cannot be that homosexual acts are immoral. Being gay is what these beings are. And everybody knows you cannot stop a thing from being what it is. You cannot eradicate essence. For if you eliminate the essence of the thing, you have eliminated the thing. It no longer exists or can exist. When you dissect a live frog, it soon becomes a non-frog. Eliminating desire for sex with another man, or preventing the act, does not eliminate the man, for an essence has not been expunged, merely a desire. You start with a man and are left with a man. But if being gay is an essence, eliminating the desire does eliminate the gay: he ceases to exist.

This is the penalty of the error of saying there are, in the ontological sense, gays. If there are, homosexual behavior cannot be immoral among gays. But then there must exist necrophiliacs, and so sex with dead bodies cannot be immoral for necrophiliacs, nor can pedophilia be wrong for pedophiles, nor can anything be wrong for the class of beings whose nature demands they act in a certain way. Yet this is clearly absurd: it is the Ontological Fallacy. Because it is a fallacy, the premise, then, must be false: there are no such things essentially as gays, transexuals, or anything but men and women.

The ontological fallacy tosses the concept of immortality onto the scrapheap, for all a person accused of an immoral act has to do is to call himself the name of those that commit the act. Any act. Saying he is this strange creature is the ultimate excuse! To make the claim that only he knows and can define his true essence, our man has to judge himself superior to nature, or to God. And we must believe him. There would be no justification for drawing any line. We would lose forever the ability to judge. We must elevate everyone’s opinion over that of God’s or Nature’s. This is self-worship. The Religion of Man says Reality must conform to Man’s will.

It is not as if we did not see this coming.

Some last words. On “hate”: The pathologist or doctor does not hate his patient for diagnosing, or in curing, his disease. If the doctor must fear his patient, or the public, because the doctor does his duty, then we are in deep kimchee. There are places on earth where the very concepts of homosexuality and masturbation do not even exist. Some people are born with congenital diseases; these births to not turn these people into essentially different beings.

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 Categories: Statistics

18 replies »

  1. It is not against our nature to want to have sex with children, adults, same sex, dead things, etc. THAT IS WHERE TEMPTATION COMES FROM. If it were against our nature, we wouldn’t have people who want it. It’s the same as killing, stealing, adultery, fornication, listening to and believing lies, etc, etc. They are ALL part of our nature. God said so. If they were not, we’d still be in the Garden of Eden, where we most certainly are NOT.

    Pedophilia is one step from legal at this point. A few more Islamic invaders and voila! Pedophilia is legal. I knew it would come. Thank you homosexuals for removing ALL rules to sexual deviancy. The many, many men and women (rarely women—they are for some reason allowed to bang little boys..….) who were unjustly jailed and marked for whom they loved. It’s really quite horrible what was done to them.

    The “disease” in discussion only works with BIOLOGICAL diseases, not “MENTAL” illness. Mental illness is like homosexuality—you have the diagnosis PROUDLY tattooed on your forehead. I saw an “Asperger’s” lawyer the other day in the news. Only frigging idiot morons behave this way but it’s very, very common. “I AM A DEFECTIVE” is the new symbol of being an American. We love stupid, broken, ruined people with stupid labels tattood on their foreheads. We even FAKE the illness. I guess that’s our nature, too.

    On the up side, and slightly off topic, I now answer any complaints about how slaves or Native Americans were treated with: “The times were changing and they should not have complained. Resistance is futile.” Hey, that’s what they tell whites and conservatives, so the good news it, whites and conservatives were 100% fair and just in what they did to Indians and slaves. After all, THE TIMES WERE CHANGING and the slaves and Native Americans should have SHUT UP AND RECOGNIZED THIS. Next time someone complains about past behavior, point this out. Whites coming to America was EXACTLY like “browns” (they are WHITE, but don’t let truth interfere) coming now. Exactly. It was 100% FAIR and JUST all along. The times were changing and objecting to any change is morally wrong—the motto of the progressives loud and clear. Make them live it.

  2. So, my wife has had two ectopic pregnancies and thus cannot be impregnated by sexual intercourse. We have been told the surgery to repair her reproductive system is risky and very unlikely to succeed. Is it then your claim that intercourse between my wife and me, since it is physically impossible for this act to produce offspring, is sinful?

  3. My wife has had two ectopic pregnancies and, as a result, cannot become pregnant as a result of intercourse. We’ve been told that surgery to correct this would be both risky and very unlikely to be successful in restoring her ability to become pregnant via intercourse and thus we have chosen not to attempt such surgery. Is it then your claim that our engaging in intercourse is sinful because there is no (as in no, to use a Briggsism) chance that offspring will be the result?

  4. “…departures from the intent of procreation are departures from nature…”

    IF that is accepted as factually correct then one wonders what’s going on with other animals that engage in same gender sex, masturbate , … even necrophilia!

    The concluding defense statement about hate speech misses the mark — many assumptions made here are simply inconsistent with objective facts.

  5. Actor George Takei is grateful that at the cusp of puberty, age 14, a tall, blond, handsome summer-camp counselor a few years older gave him an excellent handjob, thereby revealing his true, innate nature as a homosexual male.

    If his parents ever heard of it while they were alive, they might have a different view of this, uh, seminal event.

  6. Let’s not confuse “natural” with “physical.” Many things that occur naturally may not be according to an entities nature. We must think in terms of natures, not Nature.

    Nor should we confuse the purpose of a thing with the purposes of those using the thing. Or for that matter with whether injury oe impairment prevents achieving that purpose.

  7. Mr. Briggs’ piece here is undoubtedly excellent on one level: stimulation of thought. I am persuaded by most of the piece as well. The comments offering critical perspectives from both the Christian and apparently secular or science-oriented writers, however, suggest Mr. Briggs could refine this piece to address or at least account for these inputs. I, for one, would very much appreciate Mr. Briggs’ investing the time to do that.

    For example, how might Mr. Briggs reconcile his thesis with the counter examples of animals who deviate from “their nature”? With careful thought, it may be possible. It may be that Mr. Briggs’ seemingly absolute thesis could be strengthened as it is adapted in a principled manner to account for some of the commenters’ objections.

    I’m going to give this some thought myself, maybe I can contribute a useful thought or two.

  8. We can thank Briggs for another excruciatingly judgemental, article about why a sizable class of society is immoral.

    Curious that such judgemental pontificating come from one sourcing their views from an authority that said, ‘judge not lest you be judged.’

    That aside, gays & so forth have and always been around in society’s and no doubt always will. The core issue pertaining to that & similar classes is granting equal rights—marriage legalization is one mechanism toward that end …and state-granted marriage is distinctly different than the sacrament granted via a church authority. Treating these two as indistinguishly equivalent “marriage” is false.

    As long as those types get along in in society, contribute, obey traffic & other laws, etc. why care? A free society includes the right to sin, if that’s what one believes, and do what if they’re minding their business.

    The kind of intrusion Briggs advocates by imposing a particular niche view of religious doctrine is no different than what he bemoans about liberal values on campus & elsewhere. Just a different set of values — and a sort even the Christian religious don’t fully agree upon.

    Also, lumping gays whose sins are consensual and do not affect members in broader society with the likes of predators like pedophile is a slanderous false grouping. Like combining those who play contact sports to & beyond drawing blood with serial rapists & killers based on a single element of similarity (drawing blood).

  9. Ken is right.
    1. Nobody sensible believes there are more than two sexes. Why make the false claim?
    2. Christianity is not in line with your ideas on what priests are made of. God’s Holy Spirit does not do man’s biding.
    3. Category errors regarding sin, immorality and criminality run through the piece.
    4. Pete’s argument is just one more example of the kind of alienation and ‘collateral damage’ which such fundamentalism and sectarian dogmatism causes. It’s always emotionally driven zealots who behave like bulls in a china shop.

    The Law deals with criminals. Sinners are not criminals.
    Everybody is a sinner. Nobody is perfect. Nature itself produces misshapes. It sometimes seems the ones on the dogmatic side are those who can’t accept the facts of life.
    “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.”

  10. I thought this was great. Thank you.
    Comprehensive sex ed is comprehensive sex indoctrination.
    It seems to me that humans have, so far, only human parts that are either male or female, and if used per nature in sexual reproduction result in a new human, or not if conception doesn’t occur.
    Very simple.

  11. Ken, Joy, and others who argue that immorality and criminality are distinct in a poignant way. Secular laws, which forbid certain acts and allow others, are immaterial to the inherent good or evil of the acts themselves. Nor does the privacy of an act, or it being consensual, in and of itself, determine its value. Please consider that consensual bank robbery done without innocent bystanders is no more excusable than during business hours.

    But, you will say, private sins hurt no one save the perpetrator, to which I say that those who embrace sensual gratifications privately – sexual or otherwise – will lack the self control needed to be positive members of a community, as they are disposed to think of themselves above all else.

    Additionally, there are degrees of both severity and culpability to what a Christian calls sin (see 1Pt 5:16-17), those that kill the soul, called mortal, and those that only maim it, called venial. But in seeking perfection, a Christian is dishonest and lacking in virtue, who dismisses one because it is less grave. To act outside of one’s nature is always a compromise that harms one’s ability to make proper discernments.

  12. Very interesting read. I agree with the logic which you cannot escape if you are honest with yourself. I like the scripture refs. Genesis 3 tells why these types of deviant deranged acts have come about and why the potential to do the same exists in each of us due to our fallen Adamic nature. The rest of the old testament gives us thousands of historical examples of these sinful expressions by those who loved God as well as those who did not. Exodus 20 gives us God’s commandments that we are to follow and obey but due to our fallen nature we break all 10 of them on a regular basis, not just outwardly but inwardly as well. The 10th commandment is not the only one which has to do with our inward thoughts and desires. Jesus said if you lust after a woman you commit adultery and if you hate your fellow man you commit murder. The old testament also gives us all the promises of a Messiah and the new testament records the promises’ fulfillment. Rom 1:18-32 gives us a clear picture and tells us what is happening to our nation. Our moral bankruptcy is bringing us down just as it has for countless other nations over and over throughout recorded history. God is giving us up to our vial passions. History does repeat itself because of our sinful nature. As wise old Solomon wrote, “there is nothing new under the sun”! Scripture is logical too because the one who wrote it is the creator of logic! The problem is that we are blind to our fallen nature. May God have mercy on us and especially on our children. Unless we repent as a nation of people we are doomed. Thankfully the believer can have hope in the fact that God says he will never leave us or forsake us despite what is going on around us! However he never promises that he will take us out of it. True believers have been killed over the millennia as well so nothing new under the sun. Remember that Daniel’s 3 friends told Nebuchadnezzar that even if God did not spare their life they would not disobey God. However God did spare them but there are thousands of true believers who have lost their lives for their faith in God and his son. May the Lord Jesus come quickly!

  13. The purpose of mischaracterizing homosexuality or such as essential (“born this way” etc) is to place it on a par with Race, and thus discrimination is “punishing” people not for their behavior but for the mere circumstances (fallaciously seen as irrelevant) of their birth. Race, however, is biological; if it’s still an ontological fallacy to, say, divide “white” and “black”, strictly speaking, we nonetheless have to acknowledge it is entirely different from behavioral categories. I daresay it’s “essential” in a very real sense.

    There’s a progressive trope that is the other side of their counterfeit coin. They might like to make the argument we should let all the criminals loose, because they were born that way and can’t help it (Criminal Pride Parades!), or, say, the homeless. They’re stranded here, unable to avail themselves of the fallacy, so they obscure the human agency: people are not homeless, they are “impacted by homelessness”; gangbangers aren’t shooting up their streets, they’re “impacted by gun violence”, and on.

    Great read, thank you.

About the root of Democracy and Communism as children of the Enlightenment



Democracy, Communism and Fascism are sons of the “Enlightenment”. This is why all of them end up in totalitarianism. It is in their DNA.

The Enlightenment is the cause: the rejection of an official religion means that “people will believe in nothing”, as you said. So people focus their lives in the material world (pleasure and money). The rejection of original sin means that men are naturally good, like Rousseau said. Since God is irrelevant and people are naturally good, it is logical to give them freedom (liberty). The only evil is in the institutions (Rousseau) and you can change these institutions by reforming the law.

Since there is no transcendent standard, every opinion is valid. This ends up in relativism and equality. Liberty and equality are entropic forces: they destroy every structure. Not only in the human realm. If all the parts of a biological cell behave the same (equality) and do what they want (liberty), the cell will end up dead. So liberty and equality are dissolving acids.

In short, the Enlightenment introduces all the concepts that rule the world today: liberty and equality. These dissolving acids destroy the personal conscience and organic communities (everything that is in the middle of the State and the citizen), because they go against “liberty” and “equality”.

So, without personal conscience and organic communities that impose social stigma, the only way to limit bad behavior is the the coercion of the State (the law enforced by the monopoly of force). So we end up with atomized individuals depending from the State, that is, from an army of bureaucrats controlled by an elite.

Communism is the fast version of this and democracy is the slow version of this. All the roads that start in the Enlightenment end in totalitarianism, by simple logic.

Citas antisemitas

The Nature of Post Nationalism and Rootless Power

Whatever you think of them, the Rothschilds were the first ones to really see the potential that mass literacy offered. In 1422, what did it mean to get a loan? What did it mean to pay a tribute? Inevitably it meant carrying out chests full of heavy gold ingots, and transporting them across vast distances – a tempting target if ever there was one. Part of the reason for these massive castles is that they were needed to store all of the gold; your average peasant was physically incapable of being wealthier than what he could reasonably store and reasonably defend. It was this physical limitation which the Rothschild patriarch had the foresight to see past.

“My sons,” he said on his deathbed, “My sons, I want you to always keep faith with one another. Go out and establish a bank in each of the financial capitals of Europe – London, Vienna, Paris – and when one of your clients wishes to send money across the continent, don’t risk that money to the roads where it can be taken through banditry and taxation. Instead – send a promissory note with your seal on it to one of your siblings, and then deliver the gold to your clients account. Through this we will control the finances of the continent.”

And this is exactly what came to pass. They took the risk out of possessing great wealth by centralizing it in their well-defended banks. They adopted the boring, conservative style of modern finance rather than the pomp and ceremony of the powerful in previous eras. Ultimately they used this bloodline-based financial market to gain a better understanding of the power positions of the different monarchs, and ultimately subvert them – financing both sides of the various European wars, thus guaranteeing that no matter who lost, the Rothschilds won. Say what you will about the morality of this – a shark which stops swimming, drowns – if it hadn’t been them it would have been the Blauschilds.  The advent of widespread literacy and fast transport and communication meant that power was no longer local.

That is the essence of modernity: fast, easy transport and communication, alongside impregnable, robust institutions which serve as storehouses of power.

“Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences,” Rakovsky, says. (All page citations from Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, 1988, p. 264)
– ‘Christian’ Rakovsky (born CHAIM Rakover in 1873) was a veteran Communist insider facing execution for plotting to overthrow Stalin.

“If my son’s did not WANT wars there would be NONE”. Gutle Schnaper Rothschild, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, on her deathbed, 1849.

‘Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.’ (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869.

“The role of the President of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel.” -Ann Lewis, speaking for Hillary Clinton, at the meeting for Jewish Leadership sponsored by the United Jewish Communities on March 18, 2008 (Jewess Ann Lewis is sister to Congressman Barney Frank).

La verdad en la sociedad moderna, según Orwell

En el sexto día de la Semana del Odio [..], cuando, [en el país de Oceanía] […] el odio general contra [el país de] Eurasia era ya un delirio tan exacerbado […]., en ese momento precisamente se había anunciado que Oceanía no estaba en guerra con Eurasia. Oceanía luchaba ahora contra [el país de] Asia Oriental. Eurasia era aliada. Desde luego, no se reconoció que se hubiera producido ningún engaño. Sencillamente, se hizo saber del modo más repentino y en todas partes al mismo tiempo que el enemigo no era Eurasia, sino Asia Oriental.

Winston tomaba parte en una manifestación que se celebraba en una de las plazas centrales de Londres en el momento del cambiazo. […]. En una plataforma forrada de trapos rojos, un orador del Partido Interior, […] arengaba a la multitud. La pequeña figura, retorcida de odio, […] daba zarpazos amenazadores por encima de su cabeza. […]

El discurso duraba ya unos veinte minutos cuando un mensajero subió apresuradamente a la plataforma y le entregó a aquel hombre un papelito. Él lo desenrolló y lo leyó sin dejar de hablar. Nada se alteró en su voz ni en su gesto, ni siquiera en el contenido de lo que decía. Pero, de pronto, los nombres eran diferentes. Sin necesidad de comunicárselo por palabras, una oleada de comprensión agitó a la multitud. ¡Oceanía estaba en guerra con Asia Oriental! 

Pero, inmediatamente, se produjo una tremenda conmoción. Las banderas, los carteles que decoraban la plaza estaban todos equivocados. Aquellos no eran los rostros del enemigo. ¡Sabotaje! ¡Los agentes de Goldstein [el enemigo público] eran los culpables! Hubo una fenomenal algarabía mientras todos se dedicaban a arrancar carteles y a romper banderas, pisoteando luego los trozos de papel y cartón roto. Los Espías realizaron prodigios de actividad subiéndose a los tejados para cortar las bandas de tela pintada que cruzaban la calle.

Pero a los dos o tres minutos se había terminado todo. El orador, que no había soltado el micrófono, seguía vociferando y dando zarpazos al aire. Al minuto siguiente, la masa volvía a gritar su odio exactamente come antes. Sólo que el objetivo [de este odio] había cambiado. Lo que más le impresionó a Winston fue que el orador dio el cambiazo exactamente a la mitad de una frase, no sólo sin detenerse, sino sin cambiar siquiera la construcción de la frase. […]

Oceanía estaba en guerra con Asia Oriental; Oceanía había estado siempre en guerra con Asia Oriental. Una gran parte de la literatura política de aquellos cinco años quedaba anticuada, absolutamente inservible. […] Aunque nunca se daban órdenes en estos casos, se sabía que los jefes de departamento deseaban que dentro de una semana no quedara en toda Oceanía ni una sola referencia a la guerra con Eurasia ni a la alianza con Asia Oriental. El trabajo que esto suponía era aplastante.

George Orwell, 1984